Registration and login
Registration is free and it allows you to access both Concerto Web and our online auction platform.
Visit to register.
You will receive the credentials to access the platform via e-mail after completing the registration.
You will also be assigned a contact person to refer to for any information.
Login page
If you are already registered, you can access the Concerto Web platform with the same credentials you use for the online auction platform.
First, click “Accedi al Portale” and then click on the “Concerto, il tuo stock virtuale” icon.

Check the inventory using the browsing menu sorted by Nuovo, Usato and Km0 (New cars, Used cars and Km0 cars)

Used cars search
In the Usato section, for example, you can see all used cars that are available now.
Each car has a table with some features, such as marca, modello, allestimento, colore esterno, colore interni, alimentazione, km percorsi, data di immatricolazione, prezzo di vendita, foto, ecc… (brand, model, set up, outer color, interior colors, fuel supply, kilometers travelled, vehicle registration date, sale price, pictures, etc…)

Car specifics
By clicking on any of the cars found in the search, you can access its characteristics including pictures, dealer price, damages (if any), specifics, and available accessories.

By clicking the “Prenota” button on the upper right of the page, a window with your data will appear.
By clicking on book, you will reserve the car for 24 hours.

In the left menu, in addition to the inventory sorted by New, Used, and Km0 cars, you can find the following entries: Back order, Processed, Bookings.
- Inevaso (back order): in this section are the cars you have contracted that still need to be payed and collected.
- Evaso (processed): in this sections are the cars that you’ve already paid for and have been billed already.
- Prenotazioni (bookings): in this sections are the current booked cars.
Completion of the purchase
After booking the car, your contact person will get in touch with you to help completing the purchase within 24 hours (that is, before your booking expires).
Once the purchase is confirmed, you will have to make a bank transfer of the agreed upon sum and decide the delivery/pick up time of your car with the contact person.
We are organized to process all procedures within 72 hours.